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Why Equine Cribbing is unhealthy?

Your horse’s health may suffer because of cribbing. Many horses’ upper incisors will wear down all the way to the gum line. This will make it harder for the horse to recognize food. It can also cause a malocclusion of the upper and lower jaws’ teeth. To avoid any difficulties linked with tooth wear, a cribber’s teeth should be given special attention.

Equine Cribbing

Some horses become addicted to the adrenaline of cribbing to the point where they would forego eating. Weight loss, starvation, and poor performance are all possible outcomes.

How to prevent from Cribbing?

The greatest strategy to keep a horse from cribbing is to try to eliminate or at the very least reduce stress and boredom in his life. In your situation, offer your horse as much pasture time as possible. Because horses are sociable animals, interacting with other horses can help reduce stress. When other horses are not available, a goat or chicken might provide social connection.

Regular exercise is also vital for releasing excess energy and stimulating the brain. Changing your horse’s food is a good idea. Grain consumption should be reduced or eliminated from a cribber’s diet. It is critical to provide roughage throughout the day.

Cribbing collars can be an effective way to keep some horses from cribbing. It’s common to have to test a few different methods before finding one that works for your horse. And it’s not uncommon for the collar to be tight.

  Use of Cribbing Collars

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